Screencasts / Tutorials

The YAML Form module

The YAML Form module is a FAPI based form builder and submission manager for Drupal 8.

Managing forms

The Forms page lists all available forms, which can be filtered by title, description, and/or elements.

Using templates

The Templates page lists reusable templates that can be duplicated and customized to create new forms.

Managing results

The Results page lists all incoming submissions for all forms.

Defining default settings

The Settings page allows administrators to manage global form and UI configuration settings, including updating default labels and descriptions, setting default formats, and defining test dataset.

Defining options

The Options page lists predefined options which are used to build select menus, radio buttons, checkboxes and likerts.

Form element plugins

The Elements page lists all available form element plugins. Form element plugins are used to enhance existing render/form elements. Form element plugins provide default properties, data normalization, custom validation, element configuration, and customizable display formats.

Form handler plugins

The Handler page lists all available form handler plugins. Handlers are used to route submitted data to external applications and send notifications and confirmations.

Configuring global third party settings

The Third party settings page allows contrib and custom modules to define global settings that are applied to all forms and submissions.

Building a form

The Form elements page allows users to add, update, duplicate, and delete form elements and wizard pages.

Editing YAML source

The (View) Source page allows developers to edit a form’s render array using YAML markup. Developers can use the (View) Source page to quickly alter a form’s labels, cut-n-paste multiple elements, reorder elements, and add customized properties and markup to elements.

Testing a form

The Form test page allows a form to be tested using a customizable test dataset. Multiple test submissions can be created using the devel_generate module.

Customizing form settings

The Form settings page allows a form’s labels, messaging, and behaviors to be customized. Administrators can open/close a form, enable/disable drafts, allow previews, set submission limits, and disable the saving of results.

Controlling access to submissions

The Form access control page allows administrator to determine who can create, update, delete, and purge form submissions.

Enabling form handlers

The Form handlers page lists additional handlers (aka behaviors) that can process form submissions. Handlers are plugins that act on a form submission. For example, sending email confirmations and notifications is done using the Email handler which is provided by the YAML Form module.

Configuring third party settings

The Third party settings page allows contrib and custom modules to define form specific customization settings.

Translating a form

The Translation page allows a form’s configuration and elements to be translated into multiple languages.

Managing results

The Results page displays an overview of a form’s submissions. Submissions can be reviewed, updated, flagged, annotated, and downloaded.

Building a custom report

The Table page provides a customizable table of a form’s submissions. This page can be used to generate a customized report.

Downloading results

The Download page allows a form’s submissions to be exported into a customizable CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.

Exporting configuration

The Export (form) page allows developers to quickly export a single form’s configuration file. If you run into any issues with a form, you can also attach the below configuration (without any personal information) to a new ticket in the YAML Form’s issue queue.

Creating form nodes

A form node allows forms to be fully integrated into a website as nodes.

Creating a form block

A form block allows a form to be placed anywhere on a website.