
  • Association: An association is an organization of specialized groups that collectively form an area of research or service unit of the institution.
  • Book: A book page is a page of content, organized into a collection of related entries, collectively known as a book.
  • Course: A course is a series of lessons or meetings available either on the web site and/or hosted by a third-party web site.
  • Disease: A disease is a collection of pages, trial, and experts providing information about a specific cancer type or related hospital service.
  • Doctor: A doctor is a licensed medical practitioner treating patients at the institution.
  • Download: A download page is a series of related remote files (such as .pdfs) displayed together that can be viewed and/or saved to a local computer.
  • Elective Program: A elective program is an elective and/or required course for final-year medical students.
  • Event: An event is a noteworthy activity that happens at a given place and time. Events will automatically be added to the calendar of events.
  • Glossary term: A glossary term is an explanation of the meaning of a cancer-related word or phrase used on the website that may not be considered common knowledge for a visitor.
  • Group: A group is a specialized administrative or service unit of the institution. A group can be a research laboratory, core faculty, or research program. A group is made up of pre-selected content types organized in a pre-defined Information Architecture.
  • Herb: An herb is a plant that can be used for medicinal purposes.
  • HTML Fragment: An html fragment is small piece of HTML code that is used as global content within the website's main menu and/or super footer. Html fragments are primarily used by web developers to build editable pieces of specialized but customizable content.
  • Job: A job is a general or specific employment opportunity.
  • Location: A location is a regional site in communities neighboring Manhattan where the institution offers specific services, such as utpatient radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgical consultation, and dermatologic services.
  • Medical training: Medical training is for on-site medical education programs that a student or physician may undertake. Medical training programs include internships, residencies, and fellowships.
  • News: A news item is a newsworthy article, which can be a press release, announcement, or magazine article.
  • Page: A page is used to display content, images, and/or documents with related links.
  • Panel: A panel is a multi-column page layout tool used to build complex home pages and landing pages.
  • Person: A person is an individual who is not a doctor (see “Doctor” content type) or a lab header (see "Group" content type), but who works or does research for the institution.
  • Podcast: A podcast is a list of categorized videos that can be syndicated to iTunes and/or RSS readers.
  • Project: A project is a page dedicated to research into specific questions posed by scientific theories and hypotheses. A project consists of images, documents, members, and publications.
  • Redirect: A redirect is a page used within a book's navigation to redirect a user to a file/document (i.e. PDF) or an external website.
  • Slideshow: A slideshow is a series of images about a related page or event.
  • Spotlight: A spotlight is an article written to focus attention on patient, survivor, researcher, or nurse.
  • Summer Fellowship: A summer training is an eight-week research program offered to medical students who have a career interest as a physician-scientist in the field of oncology and/or related biomedical sciences.
  • Teaser: A teaser is a simple call-out, which consists of title, image, description, and a link that redirects to a complete web page. A teaser should only be used to create a specialized call-out for a page whose default teaser is not acceptable.
  • Technology: A technology is an invention owned by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center that is available for licensing.
  • Video: A video is a visual and audio recording viewed using a web-based player on a web page. Video files can also be syndicated to a podcast
  • View: A view provides listings of data on the site that can be filtered and sorted by selected criteria. For example, a view can be used to display similar content by type and/or selected taxonomy vocabulary terms (a.k.a tags).
  • Webform: A webform is a web page that allows a user to enter and submit data. A webform can be questionnaire, contact or request/register form, survey, or a poll. Form submissions are saved in a database table and can optionally be mailed to a designated e-mail address upon submission.
  • Webform report: A webform report is a dynamic page that contains user-specified data collected by the Webform module. The data can be sorted by a particular field, and fields can be included/excluded as needed.
  • WWW Link: A www link is specific external web page or web site, defined by a unique URL and domain name

Taxonomy Vocabularies

  • Course Categories organize online courses, hosted by MSKCC or a third-party vendor, by type of cancer, target audience, and/or lecture series.
  • Department & Service groups doctors by their medical specialties, such as surgeons, pediatricians, radiologists, etc.
  • Disease Management Teams organize doctors by type of cancer and/or disease.
  • Event Categories organize events by targeted audience. Event categories are grouped together to build the Cancer Care, Research, and Education & Training calendars.
  • Gerstner Research Topics organizes graduate school faculty by research topics.
  • Glossary Categories groups terms by information type, allowing custom glossary pages to be created for different target audiences.
  • Multimedia Categories organizes videos and playlists by type of cancer, lecture series, and/or target audience.
  • News Categories organizes news items by web-site and/or target audience.
  • Profile Categories organize doctors and support staff by disease and specialty. Profile Categories are used to create cancer overview 'Our Team of Experts' pages.
  • Research Topics organize researchers and faculty by research topics.
  • Specialty, Disease or Treatment organize doctors by type of cancer and treatment.
  • Spotlight Categories organizes spotlights, which can be patient stories, nursing spotlights, or researcher spotlights, by type of cancer and/or target audience.
  • Trial Categories organizes trials by type of cancer and/or target audience.
  • WWW Categories organizes external links (www links) by type of cancer, information type, and type of resource.



  • API: Generates and displays API documentation pages.
  • Administration Menu: Provides a dropdown menu to most administrative tasks and other common destinations.
  • Admin Role: Automatically assign all permissions to an admin role.
  • Filter Permissions: Provides role and module filters for the user permissions page.
  • Masquerade: Allows permitted users to masquerade as other users.
  • Strongarm: Enforces variable values defined by modules that need settings set to operate properly.

Access Control

  • ACL: Access control list API. Has no features on its own.
  • Content Access: Provides flexible content access control
  • Menu Permissions: Control access on a per menu base
  • Role Delegation: Allows site administrators to grant some roles the authority to assign selected roles to users.

Content Construction Kit (CCK)

The Content Construction Kit allows you to add custom fields to nodes using a web browser.

  • Autocomplete Widgets: Provides autocomplete widgets for CCK Text and Number fields.
  • CCK Redirection: Provides a CCK field and widget for providing a URL to which to redirect the user.
  • Computed Field: Allows the user to define computed values in custom content types.
  • Content Taxonomy: Defines a field type for taxonomy terms
  • Date: Defines CCK date/time fields and widgets.
  • Email: Defines an email field type for cck
  • Embedded Media Field: Provides an engine for modules to integrate various 3rd party media content providers.
  • FileField: Defines a file field type.
  • FileField Paths: Adds improved Token based file sorting and renaming functionalities.
  • ImageField: Defines an image field type.
  • Insert: Assists in inserting files, images, or other media into the body field or other text areas.
  • Link: Defines simple link field types.
  • Location: Allows you to associate a geographic location with content and users. Users can do proximity searches by postal code. This is useful for organizing communities that have a geographic presence.
  • Viewfield: Defines a field type to display a view.

Content Management

  • CKEditor Link: Easily create links to Drupal internal paths through CKEditor.
  • Diff: Show difference between node revisions.
  • Prepopulate: Allows form elements to be prepopulated from the URL.
  • Vertical Tabs: Provides vertical tabs for supported forms like the node edit page.
  • Wysiwyg: Allows users to edit contents with client-side editors.


  • Coder: Assists with code review and version upgrade
  • DB Tuner: Adds indexes to CCK fields used in views & more.
  • Devel: Various blocks, pages, and functions for developers.
  • Theme Developer: Essential theme API information for theme developers
  • IE CSS Optimizer: Optimizes CSS files for development in Internet Explorer.
  • Variable Cleanup: Allows you to remove variables not currently used.

File System

  • IMCE: An image/file uploader and browser supporting personal directories and user quota.
  • IMCE Mkdir: Allows users manage directories in IMCE
  • IMCE Wysiwyg API bridge: Makes IMCE available as plugin for client-side editors integrated via Wysiwyg API.


  • JavaScript Aggregator: Compresses the aggregated JavaScript file when Optimize JavaScript is enabled.
  • JQuery Plugins: An API and home for miscellaneous jQuery plugins.
  • JQuery UI: Provides the jQuery UI plug-in to other Drupal modules.
  • JQuery Update: Updates Drupal to use the latest version of jQuery.
  • Lightbox2: Enables Lightbox2 for Drupal
  • Modal Frame API: Provides an API to render an iframe within a modal dialog based on the jQuery UI Dialog plugin.

Input Filters

  • Better Formats: Enhances the core input format system by managing input format defaults and settings.
  • Collapse Text: Input filter allowing plain text sections to become collapsible.
  • GeSHi Filter: Provides a filter to highlight source code using the GeSHi library (Generic Syntax Highlighter)


  • Automatic Nodetitles: Allows hiding of the content title field and automatic title creation.
  • Module Grants: Enables access control for unpublished content and allows modules that operate on access grants to work together in the expected way.
  • Node Export: Allows users to export a node and the import into another Drupal installation.
  • Node Order: Allows the ordering of nodes within taxonomy terms.
  • Node Relationships: Provides methods to complete two way relationships between content types enhancing the features of node reference fields.
  • Nodewords: Implement an API that other modules can use to implement meta tags.
  • Printer-friendly Pages: Adds a printer-friendly version link to content and administrative pages.
  • Revisioning: Allows the creation and modification of content while the current revision remains unchanged and publicly visible until the changes have been reviewed by a moderator.
  • Weight: Add weight-based sorting to nodes.
  • Workflow: Allows the creation and assignment of arbitrary workflows to node types.


  • Menu Attributes: Allows administrators to specify custom attributes for menu items.
  • Menu Block: Provides configurable blocks of menu items.
  • Menu Breadcrumb: Allows you to use the menu the current page belongs to for the breadcrumb.


  • Panels: Allows a site administrator to create customized layouts for multiple uses

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


  • Acquia Connector: The Acquia Network enhances the Drupal experience by providing the support and network services to operate a trouble-free Drupal website.
  • Cache Expiration: Logic for expiring page caches
  • LDAP Integration: allows users to authenticate against multiple LDAP or AD servers.
  • Memcache: High performance integration with memcache.
  • SMTP Authentication Support: Allows the sending of site e-mail through an SMTP server of your choice.
  • Varnish: Provides integration with the Varnish HTTP accelerator.

Social Media

  • Service Links: Module engine for add various service links about sharing networks to nodes.
  • Twitter Pull: Pull Info from Twitter and Create Contextual Insets

User Experience

  • BeautyTips API: API for implementing jQuery beautyTips tooltip plugin
  • 404 Blocks: On a 404 page, ensure blocks and Primary links are displayed properly.
  • External Links: Adds icon next to external links on the site.
  • Fieldset Helper: Saves the state of Drupal's collapsible fieldsets.
  • Hierarchical Select: Simplifies the selection of one or multiple items in a hierarchical tree.


  • Advanced help: Allow advanced help and documentation.
  • Chaos Tools: A library of helpful tools by Merlin of Chaos.
  • ImageAPI: ImageAPI supporting multiple toolkits.
  • ImageCache: Dynamic image manipulator and cache.
  • Job Queue: An API for modules to add jobs to a queue for running on cron.
  • Rules: Lets you define conditionally executed actions based on occurring events.
  • Permissions API: This module defines helper functions for granting and revoking permissions for roles
  • Select (or Other): Provides a select box form element with additional option 'Other' to give a textfield.
  • Third Party Wrappers: A module to handle creating headers and footers
  • Token: Provides a shared API for replacement of textual placeholders with actual data.
  • Url Alter: Utility module that adds new hook_url_alter() hooks for other modules to implement. Also replaces the need for custom_url_rewrite() functions in settings.php.


  • Views: Create customized lists and queries from your database.
  • Better Exposed Filters: Allow the use of checkboxes or radio buttons for exposed Views filters
  • Views Bonus Pack: This group of modules is sort of a recipe module that makes things easier by showing how to integrate some other modules as well as providing miscellaneous features that aren't distributed by Views itself.
  • Views Bulk Operations: Exposes new Views style 'Bulk Operations' for selecting multiple nodes and applying operations on them.
  • Views Content Cache: Provides a views cache plugin based on content type changes.
  • Views Custom Field: Provides a number of custom fields (rownumber, phpcode, ...).
  • Views Hacks: This package contains a set of small Views add-ons that provide useful functionalities.
  • Views Slideshow: Provides a View style that displays rows as a jQuery slideshow.



  • Mailchimp: Mailchimp email service integration.
  • Media: Brightcove: Embedded Video Field provider file for
  • Media: YouTube: Provides YouTube support to the Embedded Media Field module.


Please note: Some of the below 'sandbox' module have not (and may never be) uploaded to because I feel I won't be able to fully support the code or there are similar modules already available on

Access Control

  • Book author access: Allows a book's main page's author to edit and manage all lower level book pages.
  • User access control: Allows user's to grant other users access to update their content.


  • API browser: Makes it easier to navigate API documentation and source code.
  • Content labels: Allows administrators to update the titles and descriptions for a content type and its fields on one page.
  • Content analyze: Adds an analyze (field lengths) tab to the content types - fields admin section.
  • Strongarm dump: Allows module variables to be exported into to be exported into arrays and objects that can be used by the strongarm.module.
  • System summary: Builds a report listing site statistics and installed modules and themes.

Input Filters

  • Image filter: Display an image's title attributes as a caption below or next to an image.
  • jQuery UI filter: Converts static HTML to a JQuery UI Accordian or Tabs widget.
  • Menu filter: Inserts a menu's links as a list or dropdown within the body of selected text.
  • Short-hand path filter: A filter that allows for short-hand redirect paths to be entered and replaced within any text.
  • TOC filter: Converts header tags into a linked table of contents.


  • Book helper: Improves Drupal's core book module's functionality.
  • Node parent title: Automatically prepends or appends a parent title to a node's title when it is saved.
  • Node reference back reference: Automatically creates node reference back references for selected content types and fields.
  • Weight reset: Adds a reset button to the weight-based sorting view from the weight.module.


  • Taxonomy helper: Helps improve the presentation of vocabularies and term hierarchies using custom templates and views..
  • Taxonomy permissions: Adds 'view vocabulary terms permissions' for taxonomy related pages.

User Experience

  • Add to calendar: Provides add to calendar links for Outlook, Google Calendar, Yahoo! Calendar, and iCal.
  • Inline links: Adds custom and automated inline links to content.
  • Subscribe to feed: Allows users to subscribe to an RSS using an RSS/Podcast readers.


  • Create content: Adds contextual information to 'Create content' menu links.
  • Ctools jump menu style: Converts ctools jump menu into a stylized HTML menu.
  • Global optimizer: Groups and optimizes css and js into global and page specific files.
  • Flush page cache: Easing the pain when you need to flush...Drupal's cache.
  • Menu redirect: Adds the ability to set a menu item to be a redirect which prevents multiple menu items from being in the active menu trail at the same time.


  • Views global settings: Allows Views admins to define global settings (ie caching) that are shared by all views.
  • Views URL alias node: Allows node related views be filtered by path aliases..


  • Webform disable results: Allows editors to disable the saving of webform submissions.
  • Webform results access control: Allows selected users and roles access to view and edit a webform's results.


  • GSK block: Defines custom blocks for GSK website.
  • MSK main: Provides shared utility functions for msk modules.
  • MSK block: Defines custom blocks for MSK websites with some block helper functions.
  • MSK deployment: Deploys the MSK SVN codebase to multiple web servers.
  • MSK input filters: Input filters for MSK specific content and customizations.
  • MSK form tweaks: Alters system, contrib, and node forms.
  • MSK glossary: Allows users to lookup cancer related terms within the NCI glossary.
  • MSK group: Manages custom MSK groups (aka labs, core facilties, and research programs)
  • MSK group access: Allows the author of a group to edit and manage all group pages.
  • MSK herbs: Custom JSON webservice for MSK herbs.
  • MSK media: Enhanced multimedia content generated from the media_brightcove.module.
  • MSK menu: Adds additional functionality to Drupal's menu system.
  • MSK menu block: Stores all MSK menu blocks in code with additional custom logic.
  • MSK menu breadcrumb: Handle custom breadcrumbing for MSK books, groups, and orphaned nodes.
  • MSK migrate: Stores and displays information about Inettool data migrated to Drupal including originating id, meta data, and redirects.
  • MSK migrate inetdata: Migrates MSKCC inetdata table data to Drupal's webforms.
  • MSK migrate Inettool: Migrates an inettool project's site architecture, content, and resources from the Inettool database to Drupal.
  • MSK migrate PRG: Migrates doctor bios and related directories from the Physician Referral Guide (PRG) database to Drupal.
  • MSK migrate protocols: Migrates MSKCC clinical trials (protocols) to Drupal.
  • MSK node: Enhances and organizes Drupal's core and contribute node related modules.
  • MSK panels: Stores all MSK panels in code.
  • MSK path: Manages MSK's SEO friendly paths.
  • MSK RSS: Handles RSS and Podcast formatting for nodes and views.
  • MSK search: Handles customization of MSK (Google Mini) search results.
  • MSK secure pages: Sets which pages are always going to be used in secure mode (SSL).
  • MSK stats: Manages stat tracking tags/codes for MSKCC's DoubleClick and Did-It accounts.
  • MSK theme: Contains re-usable theme and meta data related functions.
  • MSK toolbar: Toolbar block for MSK, includes glossary, print, download, email, and share.
  • MSK trials (aka protocols): Syncronizes trial content-type with the MSK PIMS protocol database.
  • MSK user: Adds additional information and functionality to Drupal's user profiles.
  • MSK views: Stores all MSK views in code and enhances views with exposed filters.
  • MSK webform: Tweaks and adds additional functionality to the webform.module.
  • MSK webform payment: Payment handler for MSK webform.module.
  • MSK workflow: Custom workflow module that integrate revisioning and workflow.
  • MSK wysiwyg: Enhances Ckeditor wysiwyg